mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

L'Agenda Digitale e la sua eterogeneità in Europa

Tempo fa avevo preso l'iniziativa di scrivere a tutti i DCs Europei con CC alla Commissaria Neelie Kroes chiedendo quali fossero le loro priorità. 
Mi hanno risposto solo 6 paesi: Portogallo, Bulgaria,Cipro, Romania, Svezia, Ungheria,Olanda. 
Ecco alcune delle risposte, che lascio in inglese per comodità, inoltre permettetemi di non indicare la loro provenienza, perché lo scopo del post è quello di porre l'accento, appunto, sulla differenza di vedute e di possibilità.

I Risposta

I regard that the requirement of the new information and knowledge age are very complex, they affect all sectors, all layers of our economy and society; in one world everybody.

That is why, in my view, we need a very complex and careful approach, just one single priority is not enough.

Please note, that Broadband will not be enlisted among the most important priorities because:
·         ... has a relatively well developed infrastructure, and hopefully it will be developed further accordingly the technological development.
·         I regard that, first, we need concentrate on services and demand creation toward those services. If demand exists, businesses will more interested in infrastructure development.

The priorities may be summarized as follows:

1.       For citizens, users: obtaining e-skills, with special attention to closing the digital divide. We have to be aware that digital divide should be eliminated with the active participation of the targeted individuals, with attracting them via those things they are interested in (e.g. how to care about the cultural heritage of minorities, or help those who are in deep poverty to get out from their economic difficulties, etc.)
Teaching IT use from very small ages (from elementary schools) – with care about and teach them about how to protect themselves in the virtual world.
2.       For businesses, especially for individual entrepreneurs and SME-s: promoting the use of IT services in their everyday business activity, so that they will offer their services via Internet, accept orders in electronic form, purchase and sell goods via IT services
3.       For those enterprises and institutes (including Governments and municipalities) that already offer services: promote user friendly administration services, client services and content,  which services are really needed for citizens and businesses; all this together with caring about safety and security, users’ right protection.
4.       For tertiary education: take care of the growing need for many  professionals with high level of skills and knowledge.
5.       Many ... SME-s in ICT are rather successful in innovative businesses. Yet, they need support (not necessary financial) to get out onto the international, global arena and be successful and competitive there.

II Risposta

My name is ... and I'm the director the .... program in ... as well as the Digital Champion. I only wish your question was a "simple one," but I will provide you with my thoughts.
... is currently finalizing the local Digital Agenda and priorities for development. I'm mostly concerned about bridging the digital divide, in that 45 % of the population does not currently use the internet. It is my hope to introduce ever larger numbers of the population to the internet through areas of interest. For example, getting farmers online to apply for farm subsidies, helping children speak to their families over Skype, especially those with family in  Italy and Spain. We will try to assist people to get online to guide them in meeting their healthcare needs or educational pursuits.
III Risposta (solo keyword)

Free Wi-Fi zones in rural and urban areas

Digital Inclusion of Disabled People

ICT Innovation Competition

ICT Practitioners

Local Wikipedia

Digital Heritage – National Authority for the Digitization of the Cultural 

IV Risposta

The current projects on the development of Digital Agenda for Europe initiated by the ... Digital Champion are securing universal Wi-Fi access on all public places, promoting the development of innovative approaches in the education and the usage of ICT for optimizing the connection between local governments and business and supporting the Start up community
We have launched several initiatives:-          Establishment of Start-up Advisory Board of young and successful IT entrepreneurs;
-          Soon to be established Digital Champions of ICT in Bulgarian Education Board – The ambassadors of new technologies in schools
-          The organization of conference “Digital Agenda for Europe: Reality or still a Challenge” with the special participation of Neelie Kroes and the digital champions of Europe. Working with some of the biggest companies in the IT sector;
Nowadays ... and Europe in general suffers one of the highest unemployment youth rate in its history. However, in 2015 it is expected to have 900 000 lack of professionals in the ICT sector. By providing the necessary education we must ensure that the labour market meets its demands. Also by 2015 almost 90% of all jobs would require minimum or some ICT skills. Nevertheless almost half of the populations has never used internet.

V Risposta

To increase the exports of both of ICT goods and all other goods.

Come si può vedere c'è un enorme differenza tra le 5 riposte analizzate, e , secondo me, lo sarebbe stata ancora di più se le risposte sarebbero state di più.

Ma questo a quale conclusione porta? Che, sebbene il programma sia Europeo, ma l'applicazione è nazionale e con enormi differenze. 
Ecco perché insisto affinché ci sia una maggiore uniformità fra tutti i paesi,
con dei controlli per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi minimi realizzato dall'Europa.
Un fondo di risorse economiche Europee, per questi obbiettivi minimi.
Poi, dopo, su una base comune, si può accettare anche una diversità di vedute.

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